Archive for August 11, 2014

On Today’s Gospel

Posted: August 11, 2014 by CatholicJules in Personal Thoughts & Reflections


God our Father so loves us that He wants for us to remain close to Him. In essence to choose good over evil by listening to His Word. When we receive His Word into our very being it not only nourishes us but is life giving. The most precious gift to us; Jesus in the Eucharist.

We who are obedient unto God our Father, who lead simple loving and holy lives; knowing and trusting that our loving Father will provide for all that we need; We are His most precious children and nothing can tear us away from His loving arms. And when we love, honour and care for one another His children, we love and honour Him. Amen

Ezekiel 2:8—3:4

Matthew 18:1–5, 10, 12–14

The disciples approached Jesus and said,
“Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?” He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father. What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety–nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety–nine that did not stray. In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost.”

An Encounter With The Body And The Word Of Christ

Posted: August 11, 2014 by CatholicJules in Life's Journeys

Yesterday during the 11:15am Eucharistic Celebration, as I was distributing the Host during communion. I saw the image of Jesus in the tiny host! It was an exhilarating moment and I thought to myself how did they do it? How did they manage to capture such a crisp image of my Lord and have it shown only when lifted up to eye level? And so I looked intensely at every host thereafter as I lifted them up one by one from the ciborium hoping to see once again my Lord and my God. It was only then that it dawned on me that I had been granted the grace to see Him. Perhaps a once in a lifetime, but all the same praise be to God!

I was struggling with this morning’s reflection even though I have done one in the past. And my struggle with it began the night before. I could not see clearly the link between the first reading from Ezekiel nor could I clearly relate how the Gospel could be applied today. I only had a nagging feeling that there was so much more depth to it. Once again praise the Lord! for when I stopped wrestling with it and just started writing that the puzzle all begin to fit nicely.

Glory be to the Father and the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen