Archive for May 28, 2024

On Today’s Gospel

Posted: May 28, 2024 by CatholicJules in Personal Thoughts & Reflections
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We have heard it time and time, that to follow Jesus is to take up our cross and to follow Him. Not without persecution. How do we endure? Or rather persevere? Well in our journey towards greater holiness in Christ, we will soon discover that, we can do all this through Him who gives us strength! Philipians 4:13

We make a habit of obedience to Him who loves us dearly, for His grace and love endures forever.

In the movie ‘The Miracle Club’ the Parish priest who journeys on a pilgrimage with an Irish group of ladies says this to one of them who was utterly disappointed that she did not receive a miracle.  “You don’t come to Lourdes for a miracle,” “You come to Lourdes for the strength to go on when there is no miracle.” Now that is what our faith is all about!

Lord Jesus grant me the grace to endure all things for love of You and of brethren. Amen


First reading
1 Peter 1:10-16

Put your trust in the grace that is coming to you

It was this salvation that the prophets were looking and searching so hard for; their prophecies were about the grace which was to come to you. The Spirit of Christ which was in them foretold the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would come after them, and they tried to find out at what time and in what circumstances all this was to be expected. It was revealed to them that the news they brought of all the things which have now been announced to you, by those who preached to you the Good News through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, was for you and not for themselves. Even the angels long to catch a glimpse of these things.
    Free your minds, then, of encumbrances; control them, and put your trust in nothing but the grace that will be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Do not behave in the way that you liked to before you learnt the truth; make a habit of obedience: be holy in all you do, since it is the Holy One who has called you, and scripture says: Be holy, for I am holy.


Mark 10:28-31

Whoever has left everything for the sake of the gospel will be repaid

At that time Peter began to tell Jesus, ‘What about us? We have left everything and followed you.’ Jesus said, ‘I tell you solemnly, there is no one who has left house, brothers, sisters, father, children or land for my sake and for the sake of the gospel who will not be repaid a hundred times over, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and land – not without persecutions – now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life.
    ‘Many who are first will be last, and the last first.’