
Posted: June 13, 2024 by CatholicJules in Life's Journeys, Personal Thoughts & Reflections, Testimonies

Truth be told, ever since my classes ended at Encounter School of Ministry, I have been feeling out of sorts. Not quite on fire as when I was applying what we learnt week after week. So, in desperation I made a decision to overcome once for all any and all habitual sins! Last week on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus I consecrated myself to His Sacred Heart.

I started to feel whole again but wondering why I had not heard His heart for another! Then this evening as I attended the first night of the triduum of St Anthony. I was invited to do penance (just kidding) by getting on a ladder and filling the top portion of St Anthony’s flower wall before the devotion and Mass.

During Holy Eucharist I noticed a sister in Christ who was seated in pew, walked back after receiving communion seem to have lost balance and was walking awkwardly. Another sister in Christ who sat beside her caught her and helped her stabilize a little before leading her back to her seat. I waited after Mass approached her and told her I noticed she was in pain in her leg region. She pointed to her right toe and shared that she had fractured it. I prayed for her swift recovery and for any pain to be gone. Yay!

Then I saw a brother who is still in Seminary but is currently attached to our Parish standing at the foyer talking to some folks from SVDP. I waited patiently for him to finish, then asked if I could speak to him a few minutes. I shared with him that as he was standing close to the Altar, I sensed the Lord wanting me to affirm and encourage him. That he may be experiencing some doubts or facing some distractions. But the Lord is pleased that he is keeping the faith and to the path laid out for him. And will be with him every step of the way. I offered to pray for him as I touched his shoulder. After the prayer his face lit with amazement and asked if I was part of any charismatic group as what I said was prophetic and resonated with him. Praise the Lord!

I then decided to continue praying for others even though I had been awake since 4am! So, I logged in and join the prayer rooms in Sri Lanka via zoom. The Lord sent me two folks with biggie prayer request! One was suffering with incurable Chron’s disease and the other needed prayers for his month suffering from severe depression. Please lift prayers with me for Ashan and Lakshmi.

When we hunger and thirst for souls as He does, He will open doors of opportunity for us. Keep the faith my dear sisters and brothers! Love and miss you all! ❤

  1. Vincent says:

    Praise the Lord ! Bro Julian

    I believe you are of the chosen ones to pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ .Amen

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