Cross Of The Renewal

Posted: September 23, 2010 by CatholicJules in Life's Journeys, Memory Book

Special thanks and love goes out to Raymund.  Through the goodness of his heart, he got this special cross for all the participants who completed the LISS program including the facilitators.

So if anyone who sees a member wearing it, kindly approach us if you need any spiritual guidance or help with increasing your faith or just to learn more about our faith.  I am planning to get bigger one….. because I have a rather large frame and this one might not stand out enough *grins*

This symbol depicts the outpouring of blood and water from the side of Jesus crucified which is symbolic of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (1 John 5: 6-8). The words “Veni Creator Spiritus”, expresses the fervent prayer of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for the continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit – – – a New Pentecost.

The Cross of the Renewal has been adopted as the International Symbol of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

  1. Raymund says:

    Thanks mate for the write up on the Cross of the Renewal. I am planning to replace the one I am using right now and start wearing this one too. : )

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