Archive for April 19, 2019

Lessons in Holy Week

Posted: April 19, 2019 by CatholicJules in Life's Journeys, Personal Thoughts & Reflections

Some lessons I’ve learnt over these few days in Holy week..

1. When the Lord tells you He has plans for you, expect the challenges you’ll face almost instantaneously.

2. You can choose to react the same old way or you can accept the humility of it all and be the first to love and be merciful.

3. People especially fellow parishioners are watching your every move. Hence either you lead by good example or lead them astray by your poor choices.

4. You are not entitled or privelleged just because you’re serving in some ministry, but rather as Jesus said you must be a servant for others.

5. Speak up for the truth always even if it is unpopular. For a disciple has a higher calling to follow after His master; who has said the truth will set you free!

Unnailing Vespers

Posted: April 19, 2019 by CatholicJules in Life's Journeys

Today in our Parish the Church of St Anthony, after the 3pm Good Friday service we returned at 6:30pm for the unnailing vespers.

After hearing the echo of our voices in the crowd shouting crucify him, crucify him at the 3pm service, it was refreshing to join the ranks of his disciples Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus as they brought our Lord down from the cross. It was very touching for many as we sang with one voice the vespers while witnessing the unnailing and at the very end the carrying off an almost life size Jesus. There was a certain feel of a more complete tridium this year.

Yes it will only end with Easter Sunday vespers which is something I look forward too, however we who attended this evening vespers are certainly thankful for the unique experience.

Praise and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Good Friday 2019

Posted: April 19, 2019 by CatholicJules in Personal Thoughts & Reflections

We recall the first part of our Lord’s passover today, in which he passed over from life into death. He suffered tremendously, physically, mentally, spiritually, and died a cruel death for love of you and me.

He was crushed, bore the sins of the world and carried it with him to his tomb. So that death will NOT be the final answer for us! God Himself came down to save us, He paid the debt in full without which we would surely die. The temple veil was torn, no longer are we separated from the love of God!

We adore you O Christ and we praise you. For by your Holy cross you have redeemed the world!

Thank you Jesus my Lord for loving and saving me. Amen